
Archive for December, 2019

As I see it.

The man the myth the legend, Donald J Trump. I’m sure you have heard that phrase before as I have. At some point in time the man will no longer be on the scene. We can’t escape the fact that in 100 years we will have all new people. You and I along with DJT will be gone. Those living then will have only the myth and legend. One of the problems they may have to face will be the by-product of the history deniers of today. Along with today’s history removers, the story of Donald J Trump may more than likely be all myth. His legend could be reduced to just an impeached president. The asterisk that the speaker is bragging about. Today’s atmosphere of the left’s history revisionist is there was never a holocaust, plus the removal of every monument and memorial they don’t like, makes Trump’s legend a target.
Just an impeached president. Why? Because they won’t be able to say anything good about his record as president. Think about it a minute. They have denied he has done anything positive. They still give the last president credit for the economy. The have even taken credit for the MSMCA in the House. Some are even saying it’s not as good as Nafta.
Here is the thing (as a friend of mine likes to say). Today’s history, (thank God), will be that the President will not be removed from office. He will also be reelected for another four years. He will accomplish many more great things. That is something I will bet on. On the dark side is what is coming. Millennials educated in our liberal socialist universities are gaining majority and momentum and filling our government and bring that ideology with them. We have seen it more in the past three years that ever before. We may be able to stall them for a couple more national elections, but I doubt it will longer than that. Socialism is the left’s utopia. The sad thing is they have seen it fail in so many places, but they think that they are the smartest people in the world, and they will be the ones to make it work. That is what academia is teaching them and it is right out of the pits of hell. With few exceptions capitalism and conservatism is not taught in those universities. It seems to only be taught in the home and passed down through families.
Alexander Fraser Tytler’s quote comes to mind: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
We as a nation has lasted longer than that, but I fear that the end is in sight. Our greatness depends on our goodness. We have seen that disappear in the Congress this year. I have never been a pessimist, (well, sometimes), and I hope I am wrong about this. I have a great family of kids, grandkids and great grandkids that I want the very best for. God bless America. -David Butler-

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